“And they had everything in common…”
We are a community of Christians who, inspired by the early church, share all our money and possessions. We believe that God wants to transform our world, here and now. This takes a life of discipleship and commitment; when you truly love your neighbor as yourself, peace and justice become a reality.
Full-Time Discipleship
We believe Jesus calls us to dedicate every day of our lives to him, not just Sundays. In community all aspects of life can be acts of worship – working together, sharing a meal, or singing together.
Sharing Money and Possessions
None of us owns anything personally and everything we need — food, housing, health care — is provided for us. We believe our way of life is a compelling answer to society’s problems, with its emphasis on wealth and self and its resulting isolation, conflict, and inequality.
Supporting One Another
In our life together the welfare of the oldest, youngest, and weakest is a shared priority, family life is treasured, meaningful work is available for everyone, and there is time for laughter, friendship, and children.

Come and See
We love welcoming visitors! They bring new energy to our community and we appreciate the opportunity to learn from each other as we work, worship, share meals and times of relaxation together.
Learn more about visiting and volunteering.
Other ways to connect:
Working Together
We contribute our talents and energies in whatever way we can until the end of our lives. No kind of work brings either privilege or stigma. To work in the service of love is our joy.
Upholding Family Life
Children are the heart of our communities, and community life is oriented around supporting families and welcoming single people.
Serving Our Neighbors
Love of neighbor must be put into practice. We support the works of global nonprofits addressing acute crises and also help out in our local neighborhoods. We cannot solve all the problems of the day, but we must do what we can.
Educating Children
Bruderhof schools, which are also open to children from our neighborhoods, have the goal of educating the whole child: heart, head, and hand.
Committed to the Way of Peace
Like our Anabaptist forbears we are committed to Christian nonviolence and nonresistance.
How Did It Start?
The Bruderhof (German for “place of brothers”) was founded in 1920 by a group of young people seeking answers to the widespread devastation and chaos of post-war German society. Inspired by the example of the first Christians in Jerusalem, they started a community.

“Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and not one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common.
— Acts 4:32
Foundations of Our Faith and Calling
From the New Testament onward, Christians have testified to their faith through the written word. In that tradition, Foundations of Our Faith & Calling describes the tenets and orders common to all Bruderhof communities.
Meet Bruderhof Members
We come from all walks of life and many backgrounds. Read a collection of stories of Bruderhof members past and present and browse photos of community life.
Ask Your Questions
Have a question about how and why we live the way we do? Browse FAQs and ask your questions here.

Plough Quarterly
An international magazine of stories, ideas, and culture published by the Bruderhof.
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